Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Our beards salute you.

This is Aaron from Cult of the Week.

Nate and I are fine.  We have made it back.

I know it has been long and you have all been worried sick about us; we appreciate the search party that was so quickly arranged and for the sheer mass of folks that were involved in seeking us out.

What you couldn't have known was that Nate and I could not be found.  We were not here.  We were elsewhere.

We are both still reeling from our journey, our quest, the revelations that came.  We are working on putting it all together in our heads, and then we will present to you, faithful Cultians our astonishing, mind-bending epiphany.

Keep your eye on our Youtube Channel or this blog for the update.

We are highly indebted to our followers for faithfully updating our progress online.  See the most recent videos: